Understanding the need…
A wardrobe is more than just clothes, it is our identity and our protection, it is our visual presence and it lets us express who we are and reflects how we want the world to see us. More often than not, our wardrobes have become stuffed with unnecessary items that just clog up our space as well as our mind, overwhelming us on a daily basis.
The role of an image stylist is to help create clarity in your wardrobe by streamlining the way you view yourself and your clothing, making it easier to dress for any occasion and to shop for what you truly need.
Style Union works with individuals, businesses and brands to communicate themselves the way they wish to be perceived and has a range of packages to help. From comprehensive style consultations to wardrobe reviews and personal VIP shopping sessions, Style Union will save you valuable money and precious time by creating clarity and confidence within your wardrobe.
Explore our services and see how Style Union can help you today.